Neapolitan Flavored Fitness

The best training style is like the best tomato sauce recipe... everybody has one.

If you don't like tomato sauce, then I guess that analogy failed. Although, I'm sure you get my point.

I mean, come on though.... There has to be a general consensus that points toward one training style as being the most effective right? Isn't there a study out there that we can look at? Unfortunately no...

Research has given general recommendations based on improvements in heart health, BMI and reduced risk for disease. Cool, but what about looking good naked, or being super strong and athletic. Well... depending on who you ask, you're going to get a different answer.

I can tell you that I don't really like to "commit" to any one specific training style. In my (humble) opinion, the best training style is a mix of all the training styles. Not just in the same day or week, but over the course of a year.

A training style that lets you have fun, like CrossFit or Bootcamp, get defined like bodybuilding and super strong like power lifting or olympic lifting... sounds like a great combo, amiright?

What I just described is basically how we do things at Prime Movement and Performance.

Both in-person and remote clients enjoy a bit of a "neapolitan" style of training. Sometimes a little more of this, other times a little more of that.

We have found it to be the most enjoyable and the most effective for the general population (aka normal people).


You can experience our balanced and comprehensive approach to fitness by joining #PrimeElevate

Doors Open: September 2nd.

50% Off the first month for those on the Waitlist.


Create progress, even when there isn’t any.