Create progress, even when there isn’t any.

I know you’ve been there…

Everything has been improving and then slowly it all just come comes to halt - no more progress. Seems like you’re just going nowhere. What if you just can’t see the improvements happening??

What if you don’t actually need to change your workouts, or increase the intensity? Consider the possibility that you’re still progressing, but you’re missing the signs.

Here are my top 3 ways to see progress and get yourself on a clear path forward.

1) Keep track.

Start writing down what you do each workout. Use a pen/pad or the notepad app in your phone. This will give you the ability to compare numbers from week-to-week and see progressions over time.

2) Small Incremental Increases

Most think that the only way to progress is to add more weight. Eventually we find ourselves chasing those weight increases - trying to make big jumps every session. Then, we hit a wall and get burnt out or discouraged.

My advice: Pre-plan your increases before the session. (This is where a notebook comes in handy). Write/type down exactly what increases you plan to make.

A Good Rule of Thumb: 2.5 lb increase for Upper Body and 5 lb increase for Lower Body (depending on experience)

3) Realize That Progress Can Look Different

The traditional signs of progress (increases in weight or reps) are great, but there are many others. If you find yourself discouraged because you're not seeing the traditional signs, then consider the list below.

  • Increased comfort/stability in positions

  • Less shaking/wobbling

  • Less effort, sweating to complete a set

  • Less fatigue after an exercise or session

If you’re consistent enough, and work smart enough, then I almost guarantee you’re making progress. I’m not saying that there aren’t other ways you improve your success and see more progress. What I am saying is before you go trying to too many things, start with the 3 tips above.

Thanks for reading! - Tyler

P.S. If you think you need some consistent structure and guidance to keep the progress rolling, then a personalized program is right up your alley. Learn more here, and fill out the form at the bottom OR schedule a Free Consult to chat about how I may be able to help.


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