Build a better foundation, one workout at a time.

Are you struggling with…..

  • Jumping from program to program because you’re bored or unsatisfied?

  • Putting together workouts that “cover all the bases?”

  • Feeling like your progress has plateaued or is going backwards?

  • Progressing too fast and ignoring the fundamentals?

Prep & Prime

Thorough warm-ups that take anywhere from 5 - 15 minutes. Get the body prepped and the brain primed up for every session with the perfect mix of mobility, flexibility stability and cardio. The warm-ups alone will change your life!


Stronger lifts, and healthier joints. Strength work will focus on exercises that compliment one another to ensure that you’re building a more balanced foundation. Sessions are split into upper and lower focus, allowing each area to get stronger and have time to adapt and recover.


Cardio/Conditioning that makes sense. No more long treadmill sessions or piecing together random circuits you found online. If you drew a Ven diagram with CrossFit on one side and HIIT Training on the other side, our conditioning workouts would be in that overlap.

Prime Foundations is Designed to:

  • Build a better foundation so you can finally make them #gainz

  • Focus on fundamental movement patterns

  • Provide the repetition you need and the variety you want

  • Prioritize stability, mobility and flexibility for a strong and resilient body


Here’s What You’ll Get

  • Easy-To-Read PDF that you can access via phone and keep for life!

  • 6-Weeks of fully-loaded workouts (Warm-up, Strength, Accessory, Conditioning, Mobility/Stretching)

  • Weekly progressions, to help you make steady improvements

  • Video Demonstrations for all movements

  • Access to Prime Coaches for questions, concerns and bragging about progress!

  • A better you, ready to make massive gains with your newly solidified foundation.

Recommended Equipment List

  • 1-2 Pairs of DB’s or KB’s - lighter pair and heavier pair

  • Pull-up Bar

  • 1-2 Cardio Options (Run, Bike, Row, Ski, Rope, Etc.)

  • Barbell (Optional) - all movements will have non-barbell options

  • 1-2 Mini bands (LINK)

  • Cable Machine OR 1-2 Large Resistance Bands (Orange - LINK) (Red - LINK)

Prime Foundations currently is broken into 2-phases. Phase 2 builds on phase 1, so we recommend doing them in order!

 Not sure if this is the right fit? Schedule a 30-min Discovery Call with one of our staff!