A Recipe for Workouts

Let's talk about building your own workouts.

Now, there are 85421548042 ways to build a workout and it depends on the same amount of variables (age, experience, goals, etc.). I have tried many different structures, but there seems to be some common theme among the most effective ones.

The structure below is a good place to start.

A. Warm-up | 2-4 Movements to help prep for work to come. Increase blood flow, prime the nervous system & prep the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.


A1. 2-5 Minutes Cardio Choice - nice and easy

A2. 3 Rounds: 30 sec/side - Couch Stretch, 20 sec/side - Side Plank, 10 reps - Kang Sqauts

B. Main Strength | The main focus of the day - typically fitting into one of these six categories (Squat, Hinge, Upper Push, Upper Pull). Requires the most effort of the day, so it is done early in the session.

  • Choose 1-2 main strength exercises

  • Focus on a movement pattern, rather than a specific body part

  • COMMIT to those 1-2 exercises for 4-8 weeks, in order to see strength gains


B1. RFE Split Squats - 4 sets x 8-10 reps/side

B2. Russian Twists - 10-15/side, *Superset with split squats*

C. Accessory | Movements to compliment the main strength. Choose exercises that help to balance out the day or to address your trouble areas.

Example: 3 sets x 5 reps, Jefferson Curls, unweighted (3 sec. down, 3 sec. up)

D. Aerobic Conditioning | This can take many forms (steady state, intervals, etc.), and not every day should be the same intensity.

Example: Every Minute On the Minute x 16 Minutes

Minute 1: 50 sec. Cardio choice (bike, row, run, ski, rope, etc.)

Minute 2: 8-12 Hamstring Curls (2 sec out, 2 sec in)

Minute 3: 50 sec. Cardio choice

Minute 4: 30 sec. Wall Sit​

(Hamstring Curls: Use Rower, Physioball or Sliders)

p.s. This workout is sampled from the Prime Foundations, which is one of out 6-week template programs.

You can purchase the entire program here!

6-Weeks of Functional Strength and Interval Training that will keep you progressing from week to week so you can build a better foundation.


Lesson I’ve Learned #1


Tougher Tendons