Lessons I’ve Learned #2

Okay, the avocado was misleading. I searched google for “timeline photos” and that showed up. LOL


I LOVE getting advice from an "elder." Sometimes it is just comical, other times it really hits me right in the feels. My favorite is when it comes with a story.

A few weeks ago, I was telling a fellow gym-goer, John, that I recently went "all in" as an entrepreneur. He told me a story about how he left a high paying job that he was hating, to start his own motorcycle repair company. After 10 years, he was forced to close down because business never really took off how he imagined and he couldn't financially support is family.

Here's the kicker... He said, despite the unknown of starting a business, the massive pay cut after leaving a good job AND then "failing" with the business, those 10 years were the happiest he'd ever been. He had the support of his wife, and a chance to go "all in" on something for which he had burning passion. That was enough for him.

Here he is, 15 years later, living a good life with a solid job and a healthy family. He was able to pick himself up and find another path, and you'd never be able to tell that he basically failed for 10 years and had to restart. Now, more fulfilled than ever because he went for it - he took a chance.

Lesson #2 - John: "Don't put a timeline on yourself."

This was something he said toward the end of our conversation and in the moment, it just coasted right by me. Turns out that at the time I was recording some movements and I captured the entire conversation on video. How awesome?!

I heard him say it again, "Don't put a timeline on yourself. If I could give you any advice... Don't say. 'I'm going to have this by then and this is going to be this way,' because it never works out exactly according to your timeline."

On the surface, it sounds like he's recommending that we shouldn't set goals, because it'll only set us up for failure/frustration.

After thinking about it more, I realized what he was really saying... 👇🏻

Lesson #2 - Tyler's Interpretation: Go for it, now. Give yourself time to take that chance, enjoy the journey, and learn from it after. Your timeline will adjust.

I think John was telling me not trap myself into some sort of generic timeline based on what society tells me I *should* be doing. Our own timeline is unique and way more flexible than we think.

So, if you needed that extra push, here it is.

Go for it, now. Take the chance. Go all in on that thing you love. Your timeline will adjust.

Thanks for reading!



General Shoulder Pain? Here's the plan.


Lesson I’ve Learned #1